If you can choose between two options,
to win now, or win more big later, what will you choose?

How we stretch your comfort zone?

Sweat-o-meter tells you, how much you are about to sweat during this session. More comfort means less sweat and more sweat means more benefits. Too much comfort and your body gets weaken.

We need to exercise constantly to keep us feeling good. But your muscles are like beast of burdens. They complain when they need to work. If you keep pushing beyond comfort zone, our bodies' response is to release endorphins. More sweat more endorphins.

How we define winning?

If the dog looks happy, it feels happy. They can’t fake it. Same goes with excitement. The excitement is dog's way of express intensity of feelings. If your dog pulls toward agility hall while looking happy, then you are winning.

It is equally important to rest and recover. Some time good stretching, meditating with your dog is exactly what our bodies need. If you are feeling happy and relaxed, and again your dog looks happy, you are winning again.

Love your dog unleashed

Dogs gotta do what dogs gotta do. They have their own needs and full filling those needs is our pet owners duty. This is giving love back to them action. Only rule is, no harm others. With freedom comes responsibility.
Pro Perro is here to help you.